domingo, 29 de junio de 2014
coffin of Tawosretempernesut
The anthropoid coffin of Tawosretempernesut, a singer of the Theban god Amun, is an excellent example of such products from the 21st Dynasty. It is richly decorated with scenes and texts from several different funerary collections of the New Kingdom, for example, the famous scene of 'weighing the heart' associated with chapter 125 of the 'Book of the Dead'. The other scenes are limited to depictions of the deceased in adoration before deities and "demons" of the afterlife
Present location KMKG - MRAH [07/003] BRUSSELSglobalegyptianmuseum
sábado, 28 de junio de 2014
Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in Ankara
Seated Mother Goddess flanked by two lionesses from Çatalhöyük (Turkey), Neolithic age (about 6000-5500 BCE), today in Museum of Anatolian Civilizations
B 19-36
B 19-36
Busto en mármol representando una cabeza femenina, del periodo romano
Roman head of a goddess; height: 40 cm; 2nd century AD; Museum of Anatolian Civilizations; Ankara, Turkey. The preservation of the colouring of the hair is outstanding
Puerta de entrada al museo
Muzeum Cywilizacji Anatolijskich w Ankarze; Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in Ankara
jueves, 26 de junio de 2014
The statue is a family group with the sitting male and standing female figure characteristic of the Old Kingdom art. The owner sits on a cubical block unseparated from the back "wall" of the composition. He wears a short kilt and a wig covering his ears and almost reaching his shoulders; natural locks are shown on the forehead dropped from under the wig. His clenched right fist resting horizontally on his lap holds an involute kerchief; the left hand is open. His wife stands to the left of the owner embracing his shoulders with her right arm; the left arm is lowered. She wears a tightly fitting dress reaching mid-shin and two bangles on each ankle. The head and left shoulder of the female figure are lost, but originally it was as high as the sitting man.
The quality of work is not low, but the master was rather careless. The female figure is slanted outwards as if ready to fall, the neck of the man is too thick in profile, while the shape of the wig with a flat rear part and the parting turning into a shallow depression at the crown is abnormal. On the base, in front of the feet of the woman, the title and the name of the owner and the name of his wife are incised in two columns of hieroglyphs.
6th dinasty
The quality of work is not low, but the master was rather careless. The female figure is slanted outwards as if ready to fall, the neck of the man is too thick in profile, while the shape of the wig with a flat rear part and the parting turning into a shallow depression at the crown is abnormal. On the base, in front of the feet of the woman, the title and the name of the owner and the name of his wife are incised in two columns of hieroglyphs.
6th dinasty
A coarse wooden model coffin with two wooden shabtis, wrapped in linen and inscribed in ink. Such roughly shaped coffins with crude figures are typical of 2nd Intermediate Period shabtis.
XVII dinasty
XVII dinasty
Relieve de Teshub
Dios de la Tormenta, Teshub y su hijo Sarruma matando al dragón Illuyanka, Museo de las Civilizaciones Anatolias, Ankara.
miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014
Piedra Shabaka
La Piedra Shabaka se encuentra en el Museo Británico. EA 498
Mide 137 x 66 cms y está dañana debido a que fue utilizada como rueda de molino.
El texto fue copiado en dicha piedra por mandato del reyShabaka perteneciente debido a que el original en papiro estaba dañado y quiso conservar el texto.
Uno de los párrafos dice lo siguiente:
Mide 137 x 66 cms y está dañana debido a que fue utilizada como rueda de molino.
El texto fue copiado en dicha piedra por mandato del reyShabaka perteneciente debido a que el original en papiro estaba dañado y quiso conservar el texto.
Uno de los párrafos dice lo siguiente:
- Los dioses que vinieron a la existencia de Ptah...
- Ptah sobre el Gran Trono...quien creó a los dioses
- Ptah-Nun, el padre que engendró a Atum...
- Ptah-Nunet, la madre que dio a luz a Atum...
- Ptah, el Grande, que es el corazón y la lengua de la Enéada
Ptah stela
Votive stele dedicated to the god Ptah in the temple of Deir el-Medina by Nakht-em-Mut, foreman of the workers in charge of the building and decoration of the tombs in the Valley of the Kings. New Kingdom, XX Dynasty, c. 1150 B.C.
estela de piedra que muestra a cuatro mujeres
dinastía XIII
Excavated by the Egyptian Expedition of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1935–1936. Acquired by the Museum in the division of finds, 1936.
dinastía XIII
Excavated by the Egyptian Expedition of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1935–1936. Acquired by the Museum in the division of finds, 1936.
Stela of Djet
The stela of King Djet from his tomb at Abydos. The king proclaims himself as a manifestation of Horus.His name consists of a single hieroglyph, the rearing cobra, written inside a 'serekh', the imitation of the temple of Horus. Detail of the 'serekh'. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 1st dynasty c.2880 BC. Place of Origin: Abydos. Material Size: Limestone. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ The Louvre Museum, Paris . Location: 71.
escenas templos de Abydos
Templo de Seti I
Penmaat Priest Book of the DeadDominio público
Scanned & uploaded by User:A. Parrot - Scanned from The British Museum Book of Ancient Egypt
Sacerdotes purificadores portando una barca con capilla durante la procesión de un festival.
Ramesses II Temple
Estatua del MAN Napoles
lunes, 23 de junio de 2014
nursing a baby
A young woman, apparently black, nurses a naked baby. Her hair is cut in Nubian style in five small clumps. On each of her shoulders sit a small monkey and another sits between her feet. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: Ptolemaic Period c.305-51 BC. Material Size: blue faience, h=12.5cms. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Schimmel Collection, New York . Location: 37
sábado, 21 de junio de 2014
martes, 10 de junio de 2014
Florence Musum
Fragment of a bas relief with a female figure .
Fragment of a bas relief with the bust of a queen depicted in the form of a female divinity. She wears the vulture spoil on her head and a wesekh-collar on her breast. The queen holds in her r...ight hand (lost) a flail with a top end in the form of the chalice of a nymphaea, out of which three tear-shaped elements appear.
New Kingdom.
Fragment of a bas relief with the bust of a queen depicted in the form of a female divinity. She wears the vulture spoil on her head and a wesekh-collar on her breast. The queen holds in her r...ight hand (lost) a flail with a top end in the form of the chalice of a nymphaea, out of which three tear-shaped elements appear.
New Kingdom.
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