TT148, the tomb of Amenemope
The group consists of a group of three male figures seated next to each other on a bench, which extends across the width of the niche. The whole is of the same order of size as the ones found on the transverse chamber. The group includes a central statue of a mummiform Osiris, identified by vertical texts on either side him as: "Osiris Wennefer, the great god, ruler of eternity" on one side and as "Osiris-Sokar, lord of Shetyt" on the other. He wears the atef-crown and probably held the crook and flail in his hands, which are held across his chest. He is flanked on either side by Amenemope, whose images are equally imposing, being only 20cm smaller than that of Osiris. They are each identified by texts located above, on the rear wall. On the left, with his text above him and vertically down the left side, is: "The Osiris, the priest of Amon-Re, King of the Gods, Amenemope, justified, the son of the priest of Amon, Tjanefer, justified". On the right, this time with his text above him and vertically down the right side, is: "The Osiris, the priest of Amon-Re, king of the Gods, Amenemope, justified, who the brought into the world the chief of the musical troupe of Amon, Nefertary, justified.".
In the left and right corners of the wall areas framed by the inscriptions are traces of painted decoration. On the right of the right-hand statue was an image of the goddess Nut and on the left of the other was another less certain goddess. The bad quality of the stone resulted in the disappearance of the faces of the three characters, but the atef-crown of Osiris and the deceased's wig can still be recognised
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