domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

Relief of Nut pouring water for the Ba

Relief of Nut pouring water for the Ba
The sky goddess Nut is shown kneeling on the hieroglyph for "basin". She is pouring water from two vases into the extended hands of the Ba-bird. Beneath his arms, a small offering table is represented carrying two round loaves of bread. The relief presumably comes from a tomb. It is a variant of the familiar scene of the tree goddess who presents food and drink to the Ba-bird or the deceased, which is often found on coffins and tomb wall...s. The basin underneath the tree refers to Chapter 59 of the Book of the Dead. Above the bird's back are three amulets: the djed-pillar and two Isis-knots or blood of Isis, symbols of the continuity of life associated with the cult of Osiris. The scene is set amidst a frieze of kheker-symbols, whose knotted bundles are visible three times on the left and once on the right of the scene.
Seipel, W. (ed.), Götter Menschen Pharaonen, Speyer (1993) = Dioses, Hombres, Faraones, Ciudad de México (1993) = Das Vermächtnis der Pharaonen, Zürich (1994), Nr. 250.
Katalog "Wasser und Wein", Krems (1995), Nr. 1/12.

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