martes, 8 de marzo de 2016

TOMB 340

Osiris is represented in a conventional manner. He carries the false beard of the long dead god, and he is covered with the crown associating the white mitre and two feathers, abnormally small here.
His body is wrapped in a white tunic-shroud of which only the arms are visible. Notice that, in our western mind, we would consider this as the artist's clumsiness: one of the two hands holds the heqa-scepter and the flail as well as a was-sign (the wrong way round !), while the ...front arm that points toward the table of offering passes in an unrealistic way before the scepters. It is here a question of the artist of putting forward what is fundamental in death: by this gesture, the god accepts the offering.
One cannot however prevent oneself from being struck by the stiffness which the image displays. Because of the lack of space and a not completely sensible arrangement of figures, the artist could not incline the god's crown backwards, nor to give to the head a better proportion in relation to the body.

TOMB 340 was discovered by Bernard Bruyère in 1925

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