domingo, 3 de abril de 2016

Worship of the serpent Sa-to (or Sa-ta, sata).

Worship of the serpent Sa-to (or Sa-ta, sata).
The name literally means "Son of the Land". Many snakes inhabit the Egyptian imagination, sometimes lending their protective functions - like the snake Mehen which surrounds and protects the sun on its nightly journey, sometimes destructive - as Apophis trying to capsize and destroy the solar boat every night. They are beings of the earth, particularly wetlands, which live in burrows, from where they emerge in the light of day. ...In addition, during the moulting period, they seem to revive themselves, the illusion of a perpetually renewed life and and undergoing transformations, during the sun's nightly journey.
The inhabitants of the village of Deir el-Medina show some commitment to the serpent deities, as shown by the numerous stelae and the devotion to the worship of the goddess Meretseger ("she who loves silence") represented as a cobra.
Among the many avatars of these ophidians, the one who adores Neferhotep takes the form, rarther strangely, of the head and the inflated hood of a cobra raised on human legs, an uraeus which walks, associating the idea of mobility to that of transformation. The explanation of this figure is available in Chapter 87 of the Book of the Dead: "Formula for taking the form of a serpent - sata: (followed by the words spoken by Neferhotep, the deceased) 'I am a snake, sata, rich in years, and I spent the night be in the world, every day I'm a snake - sata, who is in the bosom of the earth. I spend the night to come into the world, to be renewed, to be rejuvenated, daily' ". Barguet made the following commented: "The text strongly suggests that the snake, sata, is a form of the sun, the one which takes it into the underworld during its nightly journey during which it is again formed, and formed the new sun every day, the creation of the sun (and the world) recurring every morning.".
Chapter 87 is found in only five tombs, all Ramesside: TT290, TT183, TT214, TT359 and this TT6.

On the wall to the right, today much destroyed, showed a seated couple.

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