domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

The mastaba of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep

The mastaba of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep

The top register shows the rarely portrayed scene at the granary, in which the barley required for the scenes below is carefully measured out, precisely 58 hequat-measures. A prime example of Egyptian bureaucracy, the quantity of cereal removed is announced orally, noted by a scribe and then officially endorsed by the overseer of the warehouse.
Registers two to four are devoted to the making of two types of bread, one for consumption and one for brewing beer.
• On the of register two, the barley is crushed by two men using long pestles, after which the corn is separated from the chaff. This is then ground and sieved by the women of the left-hand side. The woman on the right, who is sieving the flour, jokingly chides her companion, who is grinding it : "Hurry up now, white one, so that I can sieve the flour!". She then replies : "I'm doing so, as you wish", whilst she is held from behind by her son
The mastaba of Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep

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