domingo, 28 de febrero de 2021

Los ataúdes egipcios de Pairusejer y de Ruru del Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Madrid Análisis de sus materiales y estado de conservación

Los ataúdes egipcios de Pairusejer y de Ruru del Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Madrid
Análisis de sus materiales y estado de conservación
María Cruz Medina Sánchez
ISBN: 9781407316734
Los ataúdes de Pairusejer y Ruru procedentes del lote nº 13 de la Cachette de Bab el-Gasus, que forman parte de la colección egipcia del Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid), se analizan en profundidad en este estudio a través de técnicas instrumentales como SEM, imagen VIL, FRX y FTIR. Estas permiten entender cómo fueron elaborados, qué materias primas se emplearon (maderas, morteros, pigmentos o barnices), qué técnicas artísticas aplicaron y el estado de conservación que estas dos cajas funerarias presentan en la actualidad. Asimismo, con ayuda de la documentación y fotografías conservadas se han podido conocer las condiciones del hallazgo en Egipto, su traslado a España y los cambios que experimentaron desde su llegada al museo madrileño hasta hoy. Se identifican las diferentes maderas, las policromías y su conservación, a la vez que se comprende mejor la evolución española de la disciplina de la Restauración tan ligada a la historia del Patrimonio.
This study provides an in-depth analysis of the coffins of Pairusejer and Ruru, from lot No. 13 of objects found at Bab el-Gasus, now to be found in the Egyptian collection of the Museo Arqueológico Nacional (Madrid), using a variety of techniques, including SEM, VIL imaging, FRX and FTIR. These allow us to understand how the coffins were made, which materials were used (woods, mortars, pigments or varnishes), what artistic techniques were applied and the coffins’ current state of conservation. Moreover, thanks to the documentation and photographs preserved, the conditions of the objects’ discovery in Egypt, their transfer to Spain and the changes they have experienced from their arrival at the Madrid museum can also be taken into account. The different woods and types of polychrome decoration are identified, as well as the methods employed in their conservation, at the same time allowing a better understanding of the evolution of restoration practices in Spain, which is intimately related with the history of Heritage as a field.


The tomb of the priests of Amun : burial assemblages in the Egyptian Museum of Florence


The tomb of the priests of Amun : burial assemblages in the Egyptian Museum of Florence

Rogério Sousa; Alessia Amenta

The Tomb of the Priests of Amun, also known as Bab el-Gasus, was uncovered in 1891 at Deir el-Bahari (Thebes). The site proved to be the largest undisturbed tomb ever found in Egypt, as there were found the intact burials of 153 individuals that lived under the 21st Dynasty (ca. 1069-945 BC). This outstanding find was subsequently divided in lots of antiquities and dispersed by 17 nations. This volume presents the first comprehensive publication of the Italian Lot, kept in the Egyptian Museum of Florence. Besides the formal description of the objects, a critical assessment of the collection is provided regarding the reconstruction of the burial assemblages, the reuse of the burial equipment and the art historical examination of coffin decoration.
ISBN: 9789004386495 9004386491

Fachada y pórtico de la mastaba de Senedjemib Mehi en Guiza.

Fachada y pórtico de la mastaba de Senedjemib Mehi en Guiza.

Senedyemib Mehi, Museo de Bellas Artes (Boston).

 Senedyemib Mehi, Museo de Bellas Artes (Boston).


 Statue of a young man at the Museum of Fine Arts. Wood. From Egypt (Giza G2378), Reign of Unis; Old Kingdom, 5th Dynasty

Puerta y arquitrabe de la tumba LG 92 según Lepsius

Puerta y arquitrabe de la tumba LG 92 según Lepsius

Carl Richard Lepsius - Carl Richard Lepsius: Denkmaeler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien, Bd. 3


Vista de parte de la calzada que conduce al complejo funerario de Unis, junto a la cual se encuentra la mastaba de Mehu.

Vista de parte de la calzada que conduce al complejo funerario de Unis, junto a la cual se encuentra la mastaba de Mehu.

Ipuia, madre de Ramose.

Ipuia, madre de Ramose.
Ramose._TT55_Apouya.jpg: Chrisdelachal derivative work


Busto de Anjaf. Museo de Bellas Artes de Boston.

Busto de Anjaf. Museo de Bellas Artes de Boston.

foto de dominio público


sábado, 27 de febrero de 2021


The vizier Bakenrenef
The statuette represents Bakenrenef, vizier of Psamtek I (664-619 BC) and priest of the Memphite deities Ptah and Sokar. He kneels, with his hands flat on his thighs in the age-old attitude of veneration. The idealised and powerful facial features point to the 25th Dynasty. The statue looks slightly upwards, a characteristic of exaltation. The statue bears several archaising indications, such as the round striated wig with a central lock of hair, indicating the vizier's membership of the priesthood of Ptah, and the heart amulet on his chest. This statue, recently put together from two fragments, is an excellent example of the archaising statuary of the Saite Period.
Present location KMKG - MRAH [07/003] BRUSSELS
Inventory number E.7049
Archaeological Site UNKNOWN
Material BASALT
Height 36 cm
The sem priest, divine father and priest, the vizier Bakenrenef.
One provided for by Ptah-Sokar, the sem priest, the iwnmutef priest, the purifier of the sanctuary, the vizier Bakenrenef.
... bread, beer, meat, fowl, all good things, for the Ka of the sem priest Bakenrenef.
L. Limme, Dix ans d'acquisitions - Tien jaren aanwinsten 1979-1988. Catalogue - Catalogus. Égypte - Egypte, BMRAH 59 (1988) 21-22 et fig. 3 (p. 27)
R. Tefnin, Sculptuur van het Oude Egypte - Statues et statuettes de l'Ancienne Égypte, Bruxelles 1988, 50-51
J.-Ch. Balty, e.a., Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis, Brussel, Oudheid - Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Bruxelles, Antiquité - The Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, Antiquity, Bruxelles 1988, 36
Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis. Algemene gids met plan - Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire. Guide général et plan, Bruxelles 1989, 14
F. Lefebvre et B. Van Rinsveld, L'Égypte. Des Pharaons aux Coptes, Bruxelles 1990, 153
Van Nijl tot Schelde - Du Nil à l'Escaut (Exposition), Bruxelles 1991, 205 n° 252
Th. De Putter et Chr. Karlshausen, Les pierres, Bruxelles 1992, 75, 174
Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis, Jubelparkmuseum - Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Musée du Cinquantenaire - Königlichen Museen für Kunst und Geschichte, Jubelparkmuseum - Royal Museums for Art and History, Cinquantenaire Museum, Bruxelles 1994, 18