domingo, 29 de agosto de 2021

khaibit o sombra

una imagen del khaibit o sombra aparece en esta escena de la tumba de Deir el Medina 290, la de Arinefer
fuente imagen -Los faraones- Cyryl Aldred-Desroches Noblecourt



Relief of Jebel Sheikh Suleiman

Relief of Jebel Sheikh Suleiman, National Museum of Sudan, Khartoum, Sudan, North-east Africa One of the most important historical testimonies kept in the museum, dating to about 3000 BCE, the time of the first Pharaohs. An early example of low relief carving, possibly describing a war between the Egyptians and the A-Group Nubian people. The circles at the bottom represent cities. The relief comes from the second cataract, one of the most ancient frontiers in the history of mankind.


pubic domain 



Wall-reliefs of Nectanebo II

Wall-reliefs of Nectanebo II from Behbeit el-Hagar (on the left) and of Nectanebo I from Sebennytos (on right). 30th deynasty of Egypt - Egyptian Museum of Cairo
public domain



lunes, 16 de agosto de 2021

Ramses II

Grande statue assise de Ramses II Exhumée par la mission Pierre Montet en 1933 Exposée dans l'aula Marc Bloch du palais universitaire de Strasbourg
public domain



Fragment of a sphinx of Amenemhat IV

Fragment of a sphinx of Amenemhat IV, provenance unknown, now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo (CG 388)
Ludwig Borchardt (1863-1938) - Catalogue Général des Antiquités Égyptiennes du Musée du Caire. Statuen und Statuetten von Königen und Privatleuten. Teil 2 (
Public Domain



Detail of a model boat from Beni Hassan

Detail of a model boat from Beni Hassan,
 First Intermediate Period.
Ashmolean Museum.
public domain



domingo, 15 de agosto de 2021

Temple of Kumma

Temple of Kumma: The ram-headed Khnum (left) and Tuthmosis III (center) running towards Hathor (right) offering her a lapwing


pubic domain 



Kasr Ibrim


Kasr Ibrim

túmulo Kerma


Early Kerma (2500 to 2450 BC), Neolithic, found in Kerma necropolis. The tumulus' top consists of small stone stelae and is surrounded by bucrania (bull skulls). The deceased lies in a cowering position on his right side, arms and head to the east.
National Museum of Sudan
Public domain-wikipedia

Estatua de la reina Tiy.


Estatua de la reina Tiy.
Museo del Louvre
foto de dominio público


sábado, 7 de agosto de 2021

la doble estatua de Amenemhat III que fue reutilizada por Psusennes

la doble estatua de Amenemhat III que fue reutilizada por Psusennes

One of a pair of anklets from the mummy of Psusennes I.

One of a pair of anklets from the mummy of Psusennes I. Back view. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Ancient Egyptian. Date/Period: 3rd Intermediate, 21st Dynasty, 1039-991 BC. Place of Origin: Tanis Material Size: Gold, lapis lazuli, carnelian d=6.1cm . Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Egyptian Museum, Cairo . Location: 42A.

viernes, 6 de agosto de 2021

Dish stand

Dish stand
Byconical base for standing two dishes, of thick walls at the bottom end, and thinner at its upper end. The external surface is reddish and spatulated, what gives to the piece an appealing texture.
Inventory number 1980/97/65
Archaeological Site MASMAS:-NAG`FARKHI
Height 27 cm
Diameter 18 cm
ALMAGRO BASCH, M; ALMAGRO GORBEA, M.J; PEREZ - DIE, MªC., Arte Faraónico. Exposición, 1975, P. 277 Nº 195.
ALMAGRO BASCH, M; RIPOLL, E; MONREAL, L., Las Necrópolis de Masmás. Alto Egipto (campaña de 1963), Memorias de la Misión Arqueológica Española en Nubia, III, 1964, P. 12, 15, 119.


Esttua del médico Psaméticoseneb


Estatua del médico Psaméticoseneb
dinastías XXVI-XXVII
Museos Vaticanos.


jueves, 5 de agosto de 2021

Tapa de ataúd de madera estucada y pintada.

Tapa de ataúd de madera estucada y pintada.
Baja época.
En la parte central, flanqueada por dos representaciones del chacaL Upuaut, contiene un texto con las características de la fórmula de petición de ofrendas y el nombre del difunto.
Museo egipcio de Barcelona



Portrait of Nubian King Tahar

Portrait of Nubian King Taharqa, Nubian Museum.
El-Kurru, King Taharqa. XXV Dynasty. Nubian Museum, Aswan

Photo: Bruce Allardice -



miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2021

Silver libation bowl found in the tomb of Netaklabah-Amon

Silver libation bowl found in the tomb of Netaklabah-Amon (538-519 BC), from the period of the Napatan Kush kingdom. The inscription is in Egyptian hieroglyphs. Country of Origin: Sudan. Culture: Nubian. Date/Period: Late 6th Century BC. Place of Origin: Nuri. Material Size: Silver, h = 8.5 ins. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive/ Sudan Archaeological Museum, Khartoum. Location: 138.