miércoles, 27 de julio de 2022

Sala de faraones


Sala de faraones
Nubian Museum, Aswan, Egypt. Three thousand pieces of Egyptian antiquities from various ages
public domain


Lady Shep-en hor


The Lady Shep-en hor , the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow University.
Osama Shukir wikipedia/public domain
This sycamore coffin contains a mummified body of an Egyptian woman. The hieroglyphic inscriptions on the coffin state that the deceased woman's name is Shepnehor (or Shep-en-hor) and died around 600 BCE. From the necropolis of the Western Thebes, Southern Egypt. The Hunterian Museum at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

Goddess Tawaret

Goddess Tawaret, 623–595 BCE


 Clay statue of the goddess Taweret, found in a foundation deposit under the enclosure wall of the pyramid of King Anlamani (623-595 BCE), in Nubia.




Portrait of Nubian King Taharqa, Nubian Museum.
El-Kurru, King Taharqa. XXV Dynasty. Nubian Museum, Aswan





Tutankhamun, Oriental institute, Chicago King Tut statue


Khnum or Queen Hatshepsut

Khnum (?). Queen Hatshepsut (?), around 1480 BC. Musée du Cinquantenaire, Brussels (Belgium)




lunes, 4 de julio de 2022

Mastaba de Ti.


Mastaba de Ti.
Alto funcionario de la dinastía V.
Decubierta por Mariette en 1860.

fotos de dominio público.

domingo, 3 de julio de 2022

Estatua de Ti, en el serdab de su mastaba.

Estatua de Ti, en el serdab de su mastaba.

Statue de Ti trouvée dans le serdab de son mastaba ; il s'agit d'une copie, l'original étant exposée au Musée du Caire - Saqqarah ; Ve dynastie égyptienne

dominio público