lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016

Vaso in terracotta con il volto del dio Bes

Vaso in terracotta con il volto del dio Bes
Late period
Inventory number: 3451
I. Rosellini, I monumenti dell'Egitto e della Nubia, Monumenti Civili, Pisa, 1834, Munumenti Civili, pg. 343, n. 96, vol. 7, tav. LVI, n. 96.
M.C.Guidotti, Ipotesi di significato e tipologia dei vasi egizi di Epoca Tarda raffiguranti il dio Bes, EVO VI (1983), p. 45, n. 12
AA.VV., L'argilla e il tornio. La produzione fittile dell'Egitto antico in Toscana, Pisa, 1992, pg. 58, n. 98.

Seti I

Seti I



Sarcofago parallelepipedo di Epoca Tarda


Acquisito insieme al materiale portato dalla Spedizione Franco-Toscana del 1828-1829.

I. Rosellini, Breve notizia degli oggetti di antichità egiziane riportati dalla Spedizione Letteraria Toscana in Egitto e in Nubia, eseguita negli anni 1828 e 1829 ed esposti al pubblico nell'Accademia delle arti e dei Mestieri in S. Caterina, Firenze, 1830, pgg. 23-24, n. 14.
K. Parlasca, Mumienporträts und vewandte Demkmaler, Wiesbaden, 1966, pg.164, nota 77.
G. Botti, Documenti demotici del Regio Museo Archeologico di Firenze, MISCELLANEA GREGORIANA, Città del Vaticano 1941, pgg.34-36, tavv.II-III


Concubine- statuette

Concubine- statuette
Inventory number 0802

domingo, 28 de febrero de 2016

Figurine of Duamutef

Figurine of Duamutef
Inventory number: 10/002/13256

La colección mesopotámica del Museo de Montserrat

Ident. 1055
Formato: 191 págs.
Tamaño: 22 x 22
Encuadernación: rústica con solapas
Edición: 2015
I.S.B.N.: 9788487452314

Video presentación de la obra:

Comunicado del Departamento de Prensa y Comunicación de Montserrat:
La colección mesopotámica del Museo de Montserrat (ed. Javier Uriach / Userkaf / Museo de Montserrat) es el resultado del estudio especializado del Dr. Ignacio Márquez Rowe (CSIC) sobre la sección mesopotámica del Museo Bíblico de Montserrat que no sólo tiene interés por su contenido histórico, arqueológico y literario -donde encontramos las raíces antiguas de nuestra civilización-, sino que evoca la continuidad de los estudios sobre el Oriente Bíblico que, en el pasado y en el presente, ha encontrado en la
Abadía de Montserrat un cultivo y un desarrollo marcado por la relación existente entre la fe y la ciencia.
Al inicio del siglo pasado, el P. Bonaventura Ubach, monje de Montserrat, alentado por los abades Josep Deàs y Antoni M. Marcet, sintió la necesidad de conocer yestudiar las civilizaciones de Egipto, Siria, Palestina y Mesopotamia con el fin de interpretar el contenido de la Biblia partiendo del contexto histórico, geográfico y cultural que condicionaron sus orígenes.
Su trabajo tuvo un resultado doble: la publicación de la Bibliade Montserrat, una traducción catalana con un extenso y erudito comentario de los libros del Antiguo y del Nuevo Testamento en una colección de 23 volúmenes, y la creación de un Museo Bíblico que ofreciera el contexto histórico y cultural de la formación de las Escrituras, y que permitiera a los estudiosos y a los visitantes tener un contacto directo con las piezas arqueológicas, expresión de las culturas y de las épocas que menciona la Biblia. Este año se cumplen 114 años del nacimientodel Museo Bíblico.
El carácter de la persona del P. Ubach, su sabiduría y su obra pusieron en marcha el Scriptorium Biblicum et Orientale de Montserrat; es decir, la escuela bíblica del monasterio que, desde entonces, sigue viva en sus discípulos inmediatos y en los monjes biblistas que han continuado después.
El catálogo de la colección mesopotámica ha sido elaborado por el Dr. Ignacio Márquez Rowe, especialista en lenguas sumeria y acadia y miembro del CSIC. Manifiesta la riqueza de la sección, que conserva el conjunto de materiales adquiridos por el P. Ubach durante su largo viaje por las tierras de Irak los años 1922-1923. En el libro se puede comprobar y admirar la variedad y la importancia de esta colección mesopotámica, resultado de un esfuerzo y una constancia admirables, obra personal del P. Bonaventura Ubach. La publicación de este catálogo es una afirmación de la persistencia de la tradición histórica y cultural de Montserrat y también de la vitalidad del país.
Hay que recordar que dentro de la misma colección en 2008 se editó La colección egipcia del Museo de Montserrat; en el año 2009, el Dietario de un viaje por las regiones de Irak; y próximamente saldrá un cuarto volumen, dedicado a Chipre y, probablemente, se cierre con una obra dedicada a la arqueología de Tierra Santa


FORMULA Htp-di-nsw.t
Htp di nswt n Wsir xnt(y) imnt +dw nTr aA nb AbDw %kr-Wsir nTr Hry-ib Ipw &A-di.t-m-n-pt
International inventory number: 06/001/14548

Statuette of A Toy Bird

Statuette of A Toy Bird
A small statue of a bird, or cock, is a toy for children. It is depicted seated on a rectangular base with three slots. The middle slot is rhombus-shaped, while the side ones are in the shape of inverted triangles.
There is a ring for suspension at the top of the back. Around the neck is a nicely shaped crest and the bird has a small sharp beak.
Wings appear close to the body, which is covered with thick feathers. The legs are barely seen due to the posture of the body
Inventory number: 318
Roman period

Gramática de egipcio clásico

 Gramática de egipcio clásico
Formato: 206 págs.
Tamaño: 17 x 24
Encuadernación: rústica con solapa
Traductor: Roberto A. Díaz Hernández
Edición: 2012
I.S.B.N.: 9788416312405

La presente Gramática de egipcio clásico ha sido concebida para difundir los nuevos hallazgos hechos en las últimas décadas a nivel internacional en la investigación de la lengua egipcia, cuyo interés ha ido creciendo últimamente en España y, en general, en el mundo hispano.

Esta gramática es la versión española de la obra Tübinger Einführung in die klassisch-ägyptische Sprache und Schrift, publicada en Alemania por primera vez en 1991. Desde entonces, ha sido utilizada como manual de estudio de lengua egipcia en varias universidades alemanas, entre las que cabe destacar las Universidades de Bonn, Colonia, Leipzig, Maguncia y la Universidad Libre de Berlín.


The wig is painted black and the there are red spots on the chest, suggesting a pattern of beads or flowers forming a necklace.
Het object komt uit de collectie van de Griekse diplomaat Giovanni d'Anastasi. Het werd twee eeuwen geleden in Luxor door handelaars verkocht, liggend in een houten miniatuursarcofaagje van de 17e dynastie.
[The object originates from the collection of the Greek diplomat Giovanni d'Anastasi. It was sold in Luxor by merchants two centuries ago, lying in a wooden miniature sarcofagus of the 17th dynasty.]
Schneider, H. D. en M. J. Raven, De Egyptische Oudheid, Den Haag 1981, nr. 104.
Schneider, H. D., Egyptisch Kunsthandwerk, Amsterdam 1995, 56-8, nr. 21.
Schneider, H. D., De ontdekking van de Egyptische Kunst, Den Haag 1998, afb. 96.

'The lady of Brussels'

''The lady of Brussels'
Inventory number: E.0752
The lady of Brussels', from the Hagemans collection, is one of the oldest known examples of large-scale statuary in stone. Its archaic style allows it to be dated to the beginning of the 3rd Dynasty. The standard conventions of Egyptian statuary are already clearly in use here. The symmetry of the face and the wig is perfect. The left arm is folded across the chest, the right arm is stretched out close to the body and the legs ...are close together. The 'lady' is dressed in a long robe which hugs her figure.
R. Tefnin, Sculptuur van het Oude Egypte - Statues et statuettes de l'Ancienne Égypte, Bruxelles 1988, 16-17
J.-Ch. Balty, e.a., Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis, Brussel, Oudheid - Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Bruxelles, Antiquité - The Royal Museums of Art and History, Brussels, Antiquity, Bruxelles 1988, 14
Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis. Algemene gids met plan - Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire. Guide général et plan, Bruxelles 1989, 8
F. Lefebvre et B. Van Rinsveld, L'Égypte. Des Pharaons aux Coptes, Bruxelles 1990, 34-35
Van Nijl tot Schelde - Du Nil à l'Escaut (Exposition), Bruxelles 1991, 53 n° 51
Th. De Putter et Chr. Karlshausen, Les pierres, Bruxelles 1992, 65
W. Seipel, Gott, Mensch, Pharao. Viertausend Jahre Menschenbild in der Skulptur des Alten Ägypten (Exposition), Vienne 1992, 84-85
M. Raven, The Lady of Leiden. A Monumental Bronze Figure and its Restoration, dans Aegyptus Museis Rediviva. Mélanges H. De Meulenaere, Bruxelles 1993, 129
Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis, Jubelparkmuseum - Musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Musée du Cinquantenaire - Königlichen Museen für Kunst und Geschichte, Jubelparkmuseum - Royal Museums for Art and History, Cinquantenaire Museum, Bruxelles 1994, 12
Museumstukken als figuranten in een stripverhaal - ...Quand la BD s'inspire des objets du Musée (Exposition), Bruxelles 1996, 10
N. Cherpion, La statuaire privée d'Ancien Empire: indices de datation, in N. Grimal (Éd.), Les critères de datation stylistiques à l'Ancien Empire, Le Caire 1998, 119
H. Sourouzian, Concordances et écarts entre statuaire et représentations à deux dimensions dse particuliers de l'époque archaïque, in N. Grimal (Éd.), Les critères de datation stylistiques à l'Ancien Empire, Le Caire 1998, 340 fig.24

sábado, 27 de febrero de 2016


inventory number: 2728

Estudios sobre la antigua Tebas. Vol. VI: Medinet Habu: Las estancias situadas al Norte de la primera sala hipóstila

Estudios sobre la antigua Tebas. Vol. VI: Medinet Habu: Las estancias situadas al Norte de la primera sala hipóstila
Formato: 120 págs.
Tamaño: 17 x 24
Encuadernación: espiral
Edición: 2012
D.L.: B-34288-2011
Al Norte de la primera sala hipóstila del templo de Millones de Años de Rameses III en Medinet Habu existen seis estancias cuya función aún no ha sido del todo explicada. En el presente volumen, el sexto de la serie Estudios sobre la antigua Tebas, su autor, Salvador Costa, analiza las escenas que decoran dichas salas y nos aproxima a los rituales que se celebraban al amanecer del sexto día del festival del dios menfita Sócares, “Día del Festival de Sócares” (día 26 del cuarto mes de la inundación); rituales previos a la gran procesión que se efectuaba alrededor de los muros del templo de Medinet Habu

TT343, the Tomb of Benia aka Pahekamen (or Paheqamen)

The wall opposite that of the false door is very similar in design, but the similarity is broken by presenting of a funerary stela in its place. Either side are, as on the other wall, three registers showing Pahekamen holding offerings.
The stela is (unlike the false door) only painted on to the wall, which is usually the case. It consists of a large, yellow-ochre main field with 13 horizontal lines of inscription, crowned with a semicircular tympanum with different emblems a...nd complete with a list of offerings, today partially destroyed, of bread, beer, meat, poultry, etc. This, like the false door, extends to the floor, whilst the side registers do not. To right and left of the tympanum, stand, in accordance with geographical alignment, the hieroglyphs of east and west. In contrast to most stelae, the tympanum doesn't show the deceased in adoration of the gods of the dead, but two Udjat-eyes flanking the emblems of the shen-ring, a cup and three ripples of water. All these representations are raised in light relief, the inscriptions are in sunken relief and painted blue.
The framing registers again show the kneeling Pahekamen, who holds up offerings of bread, wine and cakes. The tomb owner appears to present offerings at his own stela, were it not for the fact that the god referred to in the registers would normally be represented in the tympanum, but is here replaced by the emblems. The deceased sacrifices to him. The text gives support however: at the start of the stela, after the standard opening formula, other gods are named in additional to the one named as "justified by Osiris" (in his different paraphrases) in the offering formulae of the side registers.
At the bottom of the stela, now almost destroyed, is a register containing imagery of the offerings.
TT343, the Tomb of Benia aka Pahekamen (or Paheqamen)

TT343, the Tomb of Benia aka Pahekamen (or Paheqamen)


Formato: 605 págs.
Tamaño: 17.5 x 25
Encuadernación: tela con sobrecubierta
Edición: 2000
I.S.B.N. 8488676913

Este DICCIONARIO DE JEROGLÍFICOS EGIPCIOS es el primero que se publica en lengua española.

Sus 6000 entradas, pertenecientes a la lengua egipcia en su modalidad jeroglífica, recogen el vocabulario desde la III Dinastía hasta los albores del Reino Nuevo, con amplio número de referencias que facilitarán la traducción de las principales obras clásicas.

El trabajo se complementa con un diccionario inverso español-transliteración jeroglífica, muy útil para búsquedas temáticas y especializadas.

Se incluye un pequeño diccionario copto, de unas 600 palabras, que ayudarán en el estudio de la evolución de los distintos lenguajes egipcios.

Obra indispensable para los estudiosos de egiptología

TT343, the Tomb of Benia aka Pahekamen (or Paheqamen)

The right-hand side of the south wall shows a scene of Benia sitted in front of offerings piled on a table and on mats
A now anonymous, hacked out, man stood in front of the offering table, one arm raised.
The man was certainly a sem-priest wearing a leopard skin, who has been removed from the wall by the zelators of Akhenaten (for more details, see in the tomb of Rekhmire). Who he was remains conjectural as there is no name, nor family link, written above him; usually this role is played by the eldest son of the deceased, but Benia had no children. In the case people had no children of their own, they often adopted children to perform this important task later, or a servant of the deceased sometimes undertook this function.
A tabular offering list is presented above this person, with itemised contents and the relevant quantities: jars of water or beer, various kinds of breads, meat, honey, different kinds of wine, cakes and additionally natron for purifications Those offerings are said in the inscriptions to be "coming from the offering tables of Amun, the king of the gods and Re-Horakhty".
TT343, the Tomb of Benia aka Pahekamen (or Paheqamen)

TT343, the Tomb of Benia aka Pahekamen (or Paheqamen)

Statue of Recumbent Hippopotamus

Statue of Recumbent Hippopotamus
Statues of recumbent hippopotami were much loved by the people, especially during the Middle Kingdom. The body of this animal, of blue glazed faience, is adorned with nice drawings of aquatic plants showing flowers and foliage.
In ancient Egypt, hippopotami were plentiful in the River Nile and in the canals. Stone, pottery or faience statues of these animals have been found in tombs and settlements from the pre-dynastic and throughout ancient ...Egyptian history. They were given to the deceased as votive figurines.
In the scenes of the legend of Horus and Seth, shown on the walls of Edfu Temple in Upper Egypt, Horus, the falcon god, personifies the king himself, wearing the Double Crown, and killing Seth, the god of evil and disorder depicted as a hippopotamus.
Statues and vases in the shape of hippopotami were found everywhere, especially in Middle Kingdom tombs and settlements. The goddess of birth, Taweret, was shown as a female hippopotamus, and aided pregnant women during their confinement.
Dra Abu el Naga
Inventory number: JE 21366

TT343, the Tomb of Benia aka Pahekamen (or Paheqamen)

TT343, the Tomb of Benia aka Pahekamen (or Paheqamen)

Statue of Sheikh el-Balad's Wife

Statue of Sheikh el-Balad's Wife
This bust is all that was preserved of the standing statue of Sheikh el-Balad's wife, which was found at the entrance to Ka-aper's chapel in his large mastaba at Saqqara.
The statue was originally covered with plaster and painted.
The woman wears a wide-spreading wig which covers her ears. This kind of wig ends in small curls and is parted in the center. The long, tight-fitting robe is supported by two wide straps sculptured in low relief. A broad collar was originally painted around her neck.

martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

Iconoclasm and text destruction in the ancient near East and beyond

Iconoclasm and text destruction in the ancient near East and beyond

Faience figurine of a lion

Faience figurine of a lion attacking a calf. This is one of the items purchased by the British Museum in 1891. (EA 22876)
British Museum

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016

miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2016

he gilded inner coffin of Kha from his TT8 tomb (

The gilded inner coffin of Kha from his TT8 tomb (now in the Museo Egizio of Turin)

The inner gilded anthropoid coffin of Kha, the chief foreman at Deir El-Medina during the reigns of pharaoh Amenhotep II, Thutmose IV and Amenhotep III respectively. It was found in his intact Theban Tomb 8 or TT8. (Egyptian Museum of Turin)
public domain

Turin Museum, Kha objects

A collection of vases, bowls and jugs from the intact Theban tomb of Kha. (Museo Egizio, Turin)

official Kha from Theban Tomb 8

The statuette of the 18th dynasty Egyptian official Kha from Theban Tomb 8 in Upper Egypt. Kha's tomb was discovered intact by Ernesto Schiaparelli in 1906. Its funerary treasures are today located in the Egyptian Museum of Turin, Italy.

martes, 16 de febrero de 2016

The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt

The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt
by Toby Wilkinson
ISBN-10: 0553384902
ISBN-13: 978-0553384901

Stela Depicting King Amenhotep the First

Stela Depicting King Amenhotep the First
The stela, an upright stone with a sculpted surface, depicting King Amenhotep the First with his royal symbols is from the later Ramesside period.
Amenhotep the First played an important role in popular religion by the end of the New Kingdom, especially in the Deir el-Medina village, where the workmen worshiped him.
This stela is one of many that were dedicated to him as a god. The stela depicts a standing Amenhotep the First in painted high relief. He wears sandals and a wig decorated with a uraeus, or royal cobra. He holds the "Was" scepter of prosperity and well being in one hand and the crook and the flail in the other. His pleated kilt has a frontal tab and streamers.
The border of the stela bears the name and titles of King Ramesses the Second.
Present location EGYPTIAN MUSEUM [01/001] CAIRO EM
Inventory number JE 43568
Archaeological Site DEIR EL-MEDINAH
Category STELA
Height 29 cm
Width 19 cm

Three Monkeys Playing on a Chariot

Three Monkeys Playing on a Chariot
This beautiful toy is made of painted sandstone. It was discovered at Tell el-Amarna.
It depicts three monkeys, two on the left side and one on the right. They are stretching a robe above the horses' heads. All the figures are resting on a chariot with four wheels.
This toy might have been used by the king's daughters to play with.
Present location EGYPTIAN MUSEUM [01/001] CAIRO EM
Inventory number JE 53021
Archaeological Site EL-`AMARNA/AKHETATEN
Category TOY
Technique CARVED

Relieve que representa a los asistentes de la familia real

Relieve que representa a los asistentes de la familia real
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

A limestone carving from Amarna

A limestone carving from Amarna depicting the hills of the eastern desert with gazelles frolicking under the rays of Aten. On display at the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose, California. RC 1734