miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

Cairo islámico

Domed mausoleum in the southern cemetery. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Islamic. Period/ Date: Mamluk 14th C. Place of Origin: Cairo. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive. Location: 01
Two domed mausolea in the southern cemetery. The taller dome dates to the 15th C the shorter to the 14th. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Islamic. Period/ Date: Mamluk. Place of Origin: Cairo. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive. Location: 01
View of the islamic necropolis of Cairo. Country of Origin: Egypt. Culture: Islamic. Period/ Date: Dates from the Fatimid period 1oth C AD.. Place of Origin: Cairo. Credit Line: Werner Forman Archive. Location: 01

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