jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

Deir El Medina: algunas fotos

Deir El Medina

Templo de Het-Hert en Deir el-Medina

Plano del Templo de Het-Hert en Deir el-Medina

artículo en

Servants In the Place of Truth: Who Built the Tombs in the Valley of the Kings?

For almost 500 years – from the 16th to 11th century BC – tombs, many of the
elaborate and ornate, were constructed in the Valley of the kigsfor the rulers and powerful nobles of the Egyptian New Kingdom.
Needless to say, the civilization’s top dogs didn’t roll up their sleeves and do
the work themselves. So who did?

para seguir leyendo, en el enlace que he puesto


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