lunes, 13 de junio de 2016

coffin Weretwanset

lady of the house, Weretwanset.
Deir el Medina
New Kingdom
early dynasty XIX
wood, cartonaje
Brooklyn Museum
In this coffin set, Weretwahset combined the lid with the usually separate piece called the mummy board. A coffin lid is generally decorated to present the deceased as Osiris. Here, instead, the deceased wears a dress she would have worn in life—an image that more often formed the decoration for the mummy board, which would have rested inside the coffin and on top of the mummy.
Bensuipet erased Weretwahset’s name from the side of the coffin and added her own, about two hundred years after Weretwahset died. Bensuipet also added the mask and body cover, perhaps from another coffin set.

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