lunes, 13 de junio de 2016

Statue of young pharaoh

Statue of young pharaoh
Statue of a Ptolemaic king in striding pose. The head is covered with a "nemes", the eyes are almond shape, the nose is straight and pointed and the lips are thin. He has a thoughtful expression, not heroic, and a childlike appearance more than youthful. The hips are covered with a short skirt (schendit), held up from the waist, from where an animal tail hangs down. He is wearing an wesekh necklace, and holds the life sign in his right hand and a fold...ed handkerchief in his left hand. The childlike appearance is not surprising since some of the Ptolemies reached the throne at a very young age. It should not be forgotten, on the other hand, that the style in the Ptolemaic period is idealistic, as shown in this sculpture.
Inventory number 32618
Archaeological Site UNKNOWN
Category STATUE
Material GRANITE
Height 52 cm
Width 15 cm
Depth 16.5 cm
Bibliography•PEREZ - DIE, Mª C., Egipto. Guía didáctica del Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 1985, P. 40.
•ALMAGRO BASCH, M.; ALMAGRO GORBEA, Mª J.; PEREZ - DIE, Mª C., Arte Faraónico. Exposición, 1975, P. 255 Nº 168.
•ALVAREZ-OSSORIO, F., Una visita al Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 1925, P. 37 Lám. 9.
•PEREZ - DIE, Mª C., Historia de la colección egipcia del Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Aegyptiaca Complutensia. De Narmer a Ciro (3150-642 d.C ). Revista de la Universidad de Alcalá, 1, 1992, P. 21.
•PEREZ - DIE, Mª C., Egipto y Próximo Oriente. Guía General del Museo Arqueológico Nacional, 1996, P. 104.
•LOPEZ. J., Dos estatuas egipcias del Museo Arqueológico Nacional, Ampurias, XXV, 1963, Pp. 211 - 217.
•PEREZ-DIE, M.C., Hombres sagrados, Dioses humanos, Exposición, CAM, 1999, Pp. 152-153

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